The Festival has always depended on the generous help of volunteers like you. Our wonderful volunteers who have helped transform the Festival from a local community event into the biggest Ukrainian Street Festival in North America.


How Can I become a Volunteer for the Festival?

The best way to become a volunteer for the festival is to register through this website (see the button below) for the particular shift that you would like to have, and the Volunteer Coordinator will contact you to confirm your choice.


NOTE: You'll be placed where most needed. Your preferences will be considered but your skill level matched with the greatest need will determine placement.

  • We cannot guarantee placement on the same team as friends or family. The Festival is a wonderful opportunity to meet new people and make new friends, so we encourage you to take advantage of this.

Volunteer Orientation Session

All registered volunteers for 2017 must attend the volunteer orientation in August, time TBC, where they will have an opportunity to meet with the staff, to learn about the festival, programming, their shifts, what is expected from them and what is expected from the staff. This is the best opportunity to ask questions.  

Sign in / Sign out

Every volunteer must register (sign in) before performing the shift. To do so, please arrive to the festival Volunteer Centre (tent) on Bloor West Street at Windermere Ave. 10 minutes before the beginning of your shift. There you will meet the Volunteer Coordinator, who will assist you, so don�t hesitate to ask for help.  

At the end of the shift volunteers must sign out from the shift at the same Volunteer Centre. 

NOTE: If a volunteer has two or more shifts one after the other, he/she is asked to sign in only once, before the beginning of the first shift, and sign out only after the end of the last shift for that specific day.  



If you will be late or would need to cancel or reschedule your shift, please contact the Volunteer Coordinator as soon as possible, preferably at least 24 hours before the beginning of the shift. This will allow us time to find a substitute.


Festival T-shirts

At the time of registration each volunteer will receive a special Bloor West Village Toronto Ukrainian Festival 2017 Volunteer T-shirt. Please wear this T-shirt while on your shift. This is for the convenience of the Festival visitors who will then be able to locate volunteers and staff without difficulty.  

Also please dress comfortably during the shift, as the shift might require certain physical work. Keep in mind that if your shift is outdoors, having a hat, sunglasses and the sun block might be a sound idea. An umbrella or raincoat could come in handy as well. 

Food Coupons

Every volunteer who spends a minimum of four hours on the festival shifts will be provided with a food coupon. Water for volunteers will be available at the Volunteer Centre.  

No Smoking Policy

It is the policy of the Bloor West Village Toronto Ukrainian Festival that Volunteers engaged at the Festival should refrain from smoking while on shifts.


Volunteer Registration

Select Festival:     

If volunteering for The Mississauga Festival only fill out applicable fields

Enter Your Name: 

Email Address:     




 Availability (Check all that apply):    

Friday, Sept 15, 8am - 12 pm       

Friday, Sept 15, 12pm - 4 pm       

Friday, Sept 15, 4pm - 8 pm         

Friday, Sept 15, 8pm - 12 am     

Friday, Sept 15, All Day

Sat, Sept 16, 8am - 12 pm       

Sat, Sept 16, 12pm - 4 pm       

Sat, Sept 16, 4pm - 8 pm         

Sat, Sept 16, 8pm - 12 am     

Sat, Sept 16, All Day

Sun, Sept 17, 8am - 12 pm       

Sun, Sept 17, 12pm - 4 pm       

Sun, Sept 17, 4pm - 8 pm         

Sun, Sept 17, 8pm - 12 am     

Sun, Sept 17, All Day


Have you attended the Bloor West Village Toronto Ukrainian Festival before ?


Do you live in the Bloor West Village ?


Are you a student ?


Will you request student volunteer hours ?


Are you available to distribute flyers during August or early September ?

(Student volunteer hours would be credited for this duty.)


Can you assist on Fri Sept.16, with the street set up beginning at 9:00 am ?



I have read and understand the information provided above. I understand that my preference will be considered but my skill level matched with the greatest need will determine me placement. The Bloor West Village Toronto Ukrainian Festival can not guarantee placement on the same team as friends or family. I understand that a Volunteer Coordinator will contact me to confirm my availability to the Festival. If for any reason I am unable to fulfill my commitment, I am responsible for contacting the Festival Hotline at (416) 410-9965 at least 48 hours in advance.




� 2017 Bloor West Village Toronto Ukrainian Festival