2022 Youth Performer profiles
2022 Youth Program Schedule - Sunday, Sept 18 at noon at the Temerty Foundation (Jane) Stage
*Subject to Change
*Subject to Change
2022 Youth MC'S

ZORIANA HOLYK - Zoriana Holyk is a Grade 10 student at Iona Catholic Secondary School in Mississauga, Ontario, and is entering her final year as a student at UNF Ukrainian school. Zoriana is a member of the Ukrainian Youth Association - Mississauga branch, and enjoys dancing and teaching as an assistant at the Barvinok Ukrainian Dance School in Mississauga, as well.

LARYSA GROD - Larysa Grod is a grade 10 student at Holy Name of Mary College School. She is a very active volunteer in the Ukrainian Canadian community. Since the age of 5 she has been involved in the Ukrainian Youth Association of Canada (CYM). Recently, she was a youth counsellor at the Veselka summer camps and now during their weekly meetings and outings. She has been dancing with the Desna Ukrainian Dance company for the last 8 years, and is looking forward to her "matura” graduation from Ukrainian Heritage School this spring.
2022 Youth Performers in Alphabetical Order

ADRIANA ARTEMYAK - Adriana is 14 years old and is a grade 9 student studying vocal music. She loves to sing Ukrainian songs and play the piano during her spare time and is currently actively involved in music at the Artemyak Art-Music Studio, led by Igor and Andriana Artemyak. Andriana is the winner of several vocal competitions that took place in Ukraine and loves to perform on stage.

BARVINOK HAMILTON UKRAINIAN DANCE ENSEMBLE - Barvinok Hamilton Ukrainian Dance Ensemble has been in existence for over 60 years and is home to over 30 students between the ages of 3 and 25. Based in the Holy Spirit Church Hall in Hamilton, Ontario, dancers perform year-round at various church celebrations, festivals, concerts, and celebrations within the Greater Toronto Area, as well as the Hamilton & Niagara regions. Under the direction and choreography of Nadine Usyk and Taras Gulka, the group has flourished with an expanding repertoire of both traditional and non-traditional dances. Barvinok Hamilton dancers are dedicated to the promotion of Ukrainian culture through music, song, and dance. Barvinok Hamilton is proud to perform for you and to keep our vibrant Ukrainian culture alive for generations to come.

BARVINOK SCHOOL OF UKRAINIAN DANCE: SOPILKY & TREMBITA ENSEMBLES. Sopilky and Trembita are the 14-16 years of age dancers from the Barvinok Dance School based in Mississauga. During unprecedented COVID time, the dancers worked very hard to make sure that everyone is safe and stays healthy. Almost the entire Sopilky and Trembita ensembles were continuously learning dancing online by being engaged in online classes. More importantly, these groups played a significant role during the Barvinok’s 53rd Anniversary Concert in May of 2022 year and they were one of the highlighted groups in the first after Covid in-person program.

DARIA SULIPKA - Daria Sulipka is a talented artist and performer who loves music, dancing, and art. Her spark for music started at a young age and led to vocal, piano, and bandura lessons with Oksana Zelinska since the age of 6. Daria is a member of Zoloti Struny Bandura Capella and since the age of 4 a member of Ukraina Dance Ensemble. Daria has performed and entertained on many stages, including BWV Toronto Ukrainian Festival, Carassauga and Yarmarok at St Mary’s Church, and numerous charity and benefit events. She also participates in the annual Ukrainian Music Festival and the Toronto Kiwanis Music Festival. Daria aspires to become a professional musician and pursues her dreams through developing her talents and doing what she loves.

DESNA SCHOOL - Under the Artistic Direction of Yuri and Luba Grekov, students in the Toronto area from ages 3 to 16 are exposed to the Virsky style of dance which includes ballet technique, dance fundamentals, and Ukrainian music. Fostering growth, education, and Ukrainian culture in a fun and safe environment where children can develop as individuals and discover their Ukrainian heritage. Desna school dancers have been able to promote Ukrainian dance on many stages including: Toronto Ukrainian Festival, Mississauga Living Arts Centre, Dauphin (MB) and parts of Ukraine.

KATHERINE KUBOVYCH - Katherine Kubovych is a talented and vibrant 10-year-old singer from Mississauga. She loves singing, art, playing bandura and piano. Katie started playing musical instruments and singing since she turned five. Under the wonderful and professional guidance of Oksana Zelinska Katie became proud member of Ukrainian Youth Bandura Capella" Zoloti Struny". Katie loves performing and has participated at numerous concerts and festivals such as Carassauga, Bloor West Village Toronto Ukrainian Festival, Christmas Yarmarok, benefit concerts and annual Ukrainian Music Festival where few years in a row Katie was awarded 1st place in her singing category. Beside her passion for music Katie enjoys dancing with Barvinok Dance School.

Mychajlo is 10 years old and attends St. Sofia School in Mississauga. He loves to sing Ukrainian songs and play the guitar. Currently, he is actively involved in music at the Artemyak Art-Music Studio, led by Igor and Andriana Artemyak.

ODESSA LUBINSKA - Odessa Lubinska lives in Toronto and attends Josyf Cardinal Slipyj School. She is 12 years old. At the age of four, she performed her first solo to Patriarch Sviatoslaw. Odessa was a finalist for Ukrainian Star during Independence Day concert, at Centennial Park. She has performed various times at Carassauaga Festival, at Annual Christmas Bazar Yarmarok as well as Ivan Franko Senior Homes. Odessa has been also performing at the Ukrainian Bloor West Village Festival on both stages. This young lady has also performed at Camp Sokil for Ivana Kupala, Knights of Columbus Annual Meeting. She loves Ukrainian dancing and is an active member of Barvinok Dance School. Under the Direction of Vadym Krasnooky, of Mad Heads, Odessa will sing Nadiya Ye.

SOFIA AND BOGDAN SIVKOV - Sofia and Bogdan Sivkov are students of St. Demetrius Catholic School. They play Ukrainian traditional wind instruments such as sopilka, sopilka alt, dvodentsivka, telynka, and drymba under the supervision of Ruslan Kubovych (Toronto) and Maksym Berezhniuk (Kyiv). Sofia and Bogdan have been performing at festivals and musical contests since 2018. Bogdan likes playing chess, rock climbing, and martial arts while Sofia enjoys painting, baking, martial arts, and playing chess.

SOLOMIA SHEVCHUK - A member of Vira Zelinska Ukrainian Youth Bandura Capella “Zoloti Struny”. Having started playing bandura at “Zoloti Struny” Bandura School at the age of 5, Solomia is now a well-rounded musician who is both a bandura instrumentalist as well as a vocalist. Under the guidance of her mother who is also an experienced bandura teacher, Oksana Zelinska-Shevchuk, a musical director and a conductor at “Zoloti Struny” and Co-Conductor of the Women’s Bandura Ensemble of North America. Solomia has won numerous scholarships and awards and strives for musical excellence. Her goal is to broaden the awareness about the bandura and continue to teach others about Ukrainian musical culture. At this years’ Toronto Ukrainian Festival Solomia will showcase her skills and passion for bandura performing as a soloist as well as treating festival’s listeners to a bandura quintet!

TYRSA - Tyrsa Ukrainian Dance School was formed in 1977 by a group of young Canadians wishing to keep their Ukrainian culture alive. Tyrsa means a wild grass that grows in Ukraine. In the past, the group has performed at a variety of festivals in Canada such as Expo 86, The United States, a tour of Ukraine, Southern Ontario. Today, based out of Burlington, Tyrsa has classes ranging from ages 3 and up and music instruction on the bandura for all ages.

YAVIR – Toronto-based Yavir School of Ukrainian Dance is dedicated to fostering the art and joy of Ukrainian dance in children and youth in a community environment. It has evolved from its humble beginnings in 1962 and emerged as a highly professional dance school. The goals of Yavir School are to provide its dancers and audience with an experience that is exciting, inspirational, and educational while encouraging interest in Ukrainian dance and culture. The School gratefully acknowledges the support of the community of St. Demetrius Ukrainian Catholic Church and is honoured by the artistic direction of Krista Samborsky.
Website: www.yavir.ca
Website: www.yavir.ca

YULIYA-ANNA-VARVARA KAPLUN - Yuliya-Anna-Varvara Kaplun was born in Toronto. She is 11 years old, and was born into a very patriotic Ukrainian family. Yuliya speaks and sings fluently in Ukrainian! She knows lots and lots of Ukrainian songs! She likes to travel to different countries, but especially likes to be in Ukraine, in the city of Ternopil, where she has many friends and family! At the age of 3, together with her younger sister Nataliya, they started singing in the group Resonance, later in Echo by Nadiia Korol. She attends the Artemyak school and in Ukraine she attends Vadim Krasnooky School named Cоломрія. Yuliya loves to sing, she plays the piano, dances with the Barvinok Ukrainian dancing group, and draws in Art Heratage by Alla Yevdokimova She and her sister have repeatedly participated in Ukrainian festivals since they been 3 years old for many years.

ZLATA BARCHUK - Zlata Barchuk is a 6 year old Canadian singer with Ukrainian background. She started singing when she was 2 years old. Now she is taking music lessons at Krasnooky vocal music school. Zlata is also a Grade 1 student at Mentor College. Additionally, she is attending Nova Shkola Ukrainian Saturday school. 2021 Zlata received her 1-st place awards at the Emerging Young Artist Competition as Vocal 2021. She performs her songs in the Ukrainian language and glorifies Ukraine, its traditions, and culture. Zlata won many international vocal competitions with 1st place, and she also won Grand- Prix at Yula Art Festival vocal competition. Zlata loves to sing her songs and enjoys participating in various concerts in the Ukrainian community.

ZOLOTI STRUNY - Bandura Capella "Zoloti Struny" ("Golden Strings") is a Ukrainian Youth Ensemble made up of young musicians dedicated to playing the bandura, Ukraine's national music instrument. The group has been in existence since the summer of 2001. The capella consists of 18 members from the Greater Toronto area. The organization is under the auspices of St. Mary's Ukrainian Catholic Church in Mississauga. Honoured Performing Artist of Ukraine, Vira Zelinska, an acknowledged teacher and performer from Ukraine, was the founder and first director of the group. Her daughter, Oksana Zelinska- Shevchuk, took over the role of the musical director and a teacher of Zoloti Struny as of 2012.
Website: http://www.zolotistruny.com
Website: http://www.zolotistruny.com